Monday, November 4, 2019

Stage Your Living Room to Sell Your Home

Have you ever thought about the hours you spend in your living room?  It’s a special place where you may spend your time relaxing or entertaining friends and family.  That’s what the prospective buyers are planning to do in the living room of the home they buy.  They are looking for a cozy living room that’s also large enough to entertain friends and family.
Things that will certainly discourage potential buyers are carpets that are soiled and walls that are dingy.  They will certainly be thinking about the cost of updating and replacing everything.

You should stage your living room before you put your home on the market if you want to sell it at a good price.   Staging means a lot more than picking up clutter and putting vases of fresh flowers around.  Whether you stage your room yourself or hire a professional, keep the following suggestions in mind as you stage your living room.

Step 1: Declutter
A prospective buyer should be able to envision his or her items in your living room.  That means you must make room for them.  It may be difficult, but you must remove evidence such as your family’s photos from the room.  The fewer the items in the room, the better it will appear to prospective buyers.

You should also minimize the number of furniture items in the room.  It’s a good idea to remove small pieces of furniture and clear off tables and bookshelves.  Trinkets, magazines, and old mail should be removed.  There should be only one or two accessories on the tables and bookshelves.

Step 2: Repairs Must be Made
If you think there are mechanical or structural issues in the living room that may be flagged by the buyer at an inspection, you should decide whether you want to correct them before listing your home or decide to take care of them later when you negotiate.

The following cosmetic issues can be done when staging your living room:
  • Polish exposed wood floors: Damaged tiles or floorboards should be replaced and scratches on wood floors should be buffed out.  Stains on carpeting can be removed by having the carpeting steam cleaned.
  • Lightbulbs should be replaced: Burned-out lightbulbs should be replaced to make sure your living room is bright for showing.  Since LED lights are brighter and last longer, you should consider replacing lightbulbs with them.
  • Walls should be patched: If you plan on painting, patch all holes, peeling paint, and dings.
  • A fireplace should be updated: If your living room has a fireplace, you should have it inspected and cleaned.  It should be in good working order.

Step 3: Deep Clean Before Listing
  • Clean light fixtures: Check your light fixtures and recessed lighting for spiders.  Either a long broom or handheld vacuum will help you to dust them.
  • Moldings and baseboards should be scrubbed: Chips and scratches may require repainting.
  • Windows should be cleaned: Since dirty windows will limit the amount of light coming through them, they should be cleaned with a water-vinegar mixture.
  • All furniture pieces should be clean and free of odor: Wood pieces should be dusted with a lemon-scented polish.  Sofas, curtains, and rugs should be steam cleaned and sprayed with a fabric refresher to make them odor-free.

Step 4: Paint
Paint the walls with neutral colors such as a light tan, soft beige, or light grey.  Dark or bold colors should be avoided.  If the trim moldings of the living room are outdated or dark wood, paint them with a contrasting white.

Step 5: Create a Focal Point
The furniture of a living room should be arranged in a way to create a focal point.  Your focal point should catch the potential buyer’s eye as he or she enters the room.  For instance, the following might be made into focal points:
  • Fireplace: If your living room features a fireplace, you should arrange the furniture in such a way to make it stand out.  You can make it stand out by hanging a piece of art or a large mirror above it.  You should draw the potential buyer’s eye to it.  If your living room doesn’t have a fireplace, one can be purchased and placed in the room like a piece of furniture to create a focal point.
  • A large window or French doors: These may work well if there is an outstanding view outside.  If so, you should be sure to keep your window coverings simple.
  • Entertainment centers or built-in bookcases may create a focal point.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Is Coffee Bad or Good for You?

Whether coffee is bad or good for you is a difficult question? That’s because the question is controversial in many ways. Coffee is said to have good effects on a person’s health such as its being high in antioxidants lowering your risk to many diseases. On the other hand, it has caffeine that is a stimulant that often causes sleep problems. This article will cover the bad effects coffee has on your health. Perhaps, you will then be able to decide for yourself.

Hydrochloric Acid in Coffee May Interfere with Your Digestion

A lack of hydrochloric acid in a person’s stomach and foods that are protein-based may then affect the digestion of protein causing it to pass into the small intestine before it has been broken down. The undigested protein may cause an assortment of health problems such as diverticulitis, irritable bowel syndrome, gas, bloating, and colon cancer.  

It is the opinion of many experts that many diseases begin in a person’s gut. This is because low hydrochloric acid in a person’s stomach interferes with the digestion of food causing many health issues.

Coffee May Cause Heartburn and Acid Reflux 

Drinking coffee may relax a person’s lower esophageal sphincter and cause both heartburn and acid reflux. Once you’ve eaten, your small muscle should remain tightly closed. If it doesn’t, your stomach contents may come back up into your esophagus and burn its lining with hydrochloric acid. Coffee isn’t the only culprit causing this problem. The caffeine in Coke or high caffeine ‘energy drinks’ also may cause heartburn.

Heartburn problems may also be caused by decaf coffee. It has been found by researchers who think that a contributing factor to acid reflux problems is other compounds in coffee.

Coffee May Irritate a Person’s Stomach and Small Intestine Lining

Doctors recommend people suffering from gastritis, ulcers, and Crohn’s disease do not drink coffee.  This is because the caffeine and acids in coffee beans may irritate a person’s small intestine lining or stomach.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

A Massage Will Put Your Baby to Sleep

One great way to bond with your baby is massaging him or her to sleep.  There are several benefits to massaging your baby. Not only does it help with his or her growth development, but it also helps with the relaxation of his or her muscles. 

Your gentle and loving touch can also help your little one have less anxiety at bedtime.  Besides feeling less anxiety, he or she will also grow stronger.   Infants who are massaged before sleep show more eye contact as well.

A simple massage is another, loving way to communicate with your baby. When you massage your baby, you will develop a better understanding of his or her dislikes and likes.  For example, some babies may love to be tickled and some may be unaffected by it. You can also build a positive and stable relationship with your baby by massaging him or her.  A baby’s joints, muscles, and ligaments are often strengthened by a massage.  Common ailments that show up in the early years of a baby’s life can also be fought off when a baby is regularly massaged.  

There have been many studies conducted on baby massaging and whether it affects the babies’ lives when they are older. It was found that the more physical contact such as with massages the more empathy, compassion, and cooperation with others they showed when they reached their adult years.

Reasons to Massage Your Baby

  • A baby’s nervous system can be improved with regular massages.
  • A baby’s immune system can be stimulated with a massage. He or she will then be better able to fight off diseases and illnesses.
  • Your baby will be more alert, friendly, and playful if he or she is massaged often.
  • A baby who is massaged often will also have to be more talkative, and willing to give and accept hugs as they get older.
  • If your baby should become angry or upset, you can help him or her to easily get rid of these negative emotions with a massage.
  • Digestive problems or relief of colic can also be helped with a massage.
  • A teething baby can also be helped to get his or her mind off the pain with a massage.
  • After a massage, your baby will sleep better. However, it is best to massage your baby before he or she is too sleepy or tired. 

Ten Tips for Massaging Your Baby

  • Tip #1: The best time to massage your baby is when he or she is both awake and alert. It also shouldn’t be when your baby is either too hungry or too full.
  • Tip #2: The room’s lighting shouldn’t be too bright, and it should be warm.
  • Tip #3: You will need a towel, lotion or baby massage oil, clean diapers, and clothes. You should have all these items ready and handy.
  • Tip #4: Before beginning the massage, you should remove your jewelry and wash your hands.
  • Tip #5: The place you massage your baby should be comfortable, and you must be able to see your face.
  • Tip #6: You should take a few deep breaths to relax before you begin. If you’re relaxed, your baby will also relax.
  • Tip #7: If your baby is close to you, he or she may feel more secure.
  • Tip #8: Put either baby oil or lotion on your hands. Begin the massage by gliding your hands over your baby’s skin.
  • Tip #9: When you massage your baby, your strokes should be firm but gentle, and in no way ticklish.
  • Tip #10: Decide when to stop the massage by following the baby’s signals and moods. Some massages will last only 10 minutes, and some will last 30 minutes.

In Conclusion

Follow the baby's signals about when to stop. A massage can last 10 minutes or 30 minutes, depending on his or her moods.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Three Online Side-Hustles

So many of us need a side-hustle.  Why?  Sure, our full-time job allows us to feed our family, buy those every-day necessities, and pay the rent.  However, there are long-term objectives such as having children, college tuition for our children, buying a house, and yearly vacations.  Where do we get the money for those?

It would be nice to get a promotion or increase our yearly income with a new higher-paying job.
These opportunities for raising our incomes aren’t easy to find.  Perhaps, a side-hustle is what you need.

What is a side-hustle?  Simply put, a side-hustle is a second job.  They will give you a second income, but they need to be more than a second job.  Let’s look at three side-hustles that will give you the extra cash to get rid of some of your debt or save more for your future.

#1: Crafts

I, for one, love to crochet.   In the past, I’ve crocheted ponchos, hats, scarves, and toilet paper covers.  You may prefer knitting, sewing, or making jewelry.  Whatever is your fancy, you can sell it online.

One way to get started is to look online for free or low-cost patterns.  For example, I’ve crocheted ponchos and other items that I’ve gotten instructions for online for free.

According to Entrepreneur, you can sell your product on Etsy.  For a cost of only 20 cents, you can list your product on this site with five photos for as long as four months.  However, Etsy does require a 2.5 percent commission when you sell your product.  Therefore, you should work that into your price for the item.

#2: Be an Online Tutor

To be qualified for this opportunity, you should have a college degree. The subjects you can teach maybe English, social studies, science, or math. 

· A site you might try is  At, you will earn approximately $10 to $14 per hour. The amount you earn will depend upon the subject you tutor and the number of hours.

· Another online site to look into is Smart Thinking At the Smart Thinking site, you simply click on “See job opportunities” and you will see a list of jobs you can apply to.

· At VIPKid, you can earn $22 an hour teaching English online.

· If you would like to earn money tutoring math students for subjects such as Calculus, Algebra, Trigonometry, or Geometry, you should try the Skooli site. When you get to the Skooli site, go down to the end of the page and click on “For tutors” under “ONLINE TUTORING”. You will find all the information needed to apply for tutoring at that site.

#3: Write Online

Many sites hire people to write online. Sometimes, you write articles as a ghostwriter such as the Textbroker site. When you write as a ghostwriter, the person buying your article usually publishes it and your name is not used as a byline for the article.

A site you might write for is Demand Media Studios. The assignment rate of pay at this site ranges from $15 to $100. After going to the Demand site, you will see a list of topics to choose under “Freelance Writing Section”. You can choose a topic to write about. However, you must first be approved by the Demand Studios site. 


Since a side-hustle is usually done by someone who has a full-time job besides the hustle, online job types are perfect.  That is because you can make your hours based on your availability.

Monday, September 2, 2019

How to Select a Safe Halloween Costume

Halloween will soon be here, but have you shopped for the best Halloween toddler costume ideas?  Your little one may have his or her ideas of how he or she wants to look for that night of all nights. 

The trick is to narrow the list of all the possibilities to just one perfect costume.  However, the tough job for you is to make your little one happy with your choice.  You want Halloween to be lots of fun for him or her, but it is even more important that he or she is safe.  For your little one to be safe that night, keep the following tips in mind.

Safety Tips for Choosing Your Toddler’s Halloween Costume 

·      Your toddler’s costume should be made with materials that are flame retardant or flame resistants such as rayon or nylon.  These materials may not be fireproof, but they will either resist burning or extinguish quickly.  If you’re not sure it is a material that will resist burning, spray the costume thoroughly with a flame retardant that can be purchased at your local hardware store.

·      Avoid masks.  Masks can be dangerous since they are known to cut off your toddler’s peripheral vision.  The straps holding the mask in place should hold it securely or the eye holes should be big enough to no block your toddler’s vision.  Makeup can be a safer choice, but you must test it on a small spot to make sure your little one isn’t allergic to it.

·      Add reflective tape to your toddler’s costume.  The tape will make it easier for a driver to see your little one when walking around in the dark.  If you don’t find the reflective tape, try using armbands that are glow in the dark.  Necklaces may also do the trick as well.