Saturday, October 3, 2015

A Short Story for a Young Child

Courage the Cowardly Dog
Out of the forest runs Otto the squirrel.  Otto sees Courage, the cowardly dog, slowly walking to school licking a great big red lollipop.    “Oh boy,” says Otto to himself, “that lollipop will make a great treat for me to eat.  All the animals in the forest know Courage is a coward!”
Otto walks over to Courage and says, “I’m very hungry and I want your lollipop!  Give it to me or I will punch you.  All the animals in the forest know you are a coward.”  Courage quickly hands him the lollipop.
Now Courage, the cowardly dog, has a bag of cookies hidden in his fur.  He takes out a big chocolate chip cookie and begins to eat it as he walks to school.
Out of the forest hops Ploppy, a little bunny.   “Oh boy, says Ploppy to himself, “that cookie will make a great treat for me to eat.  All the animals in the forest know Courage is a coward!”
Ploppy walks over to Courage, the cowardly dog, and says, “I’m hungry and I want your cookie.  Give it to me or I will hop on your head so hard you will have a big bump that will hurt.” Courage gives Ploppy the cookie.
Out of the forest runs Squeaky, a cute little mouse, and a great big lion chasing him.  “I’m hungry and I when I catch you, you will be a nice treat,” roars the lion.
“Oh no you won’t you big bully,” shouts Courage.  Quickly, Courage jumps onto the lion’s nose and bites it with all his strength.
“Ow!” cries the lion.  Off jumps Courage and back into the forest runs the lion.
All the animals now know that Courage is not a cowardly dog, but the bravest of all the animals.

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