Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Important Facts You Should Know About Microsoft Office 365 Email

  • With Microsoft Office 365 Email, you can always be up to date wherever and whenever you access your email. This is because your emails, calendars and contact information are always in sync in real-time on any device.
  • You can create a unique look for your messages. In order for your messages to stand out, they must be highly distinctive. Images and a custom format will make your emails more impactful and distinctive. With Office 365, both of these are possible since you are able to send messages that are up to 150 MB. For each user, 50 GB is available for storage allowing you to hold on to your needed messages and files.
  • Microsoft Office 365 allows businesses to use their domain name for their email accounts. As a result every time a message is sent by you, the name of your business is featured.
  • Worry free email is provided by Microsoft 365 eliminating the work of protecting your email. As a result, you can spend your time communicating instead of managing your email account, trudging through your inbox cluttered with loads of ads, or by worrying and trying to protect your email.
  • Microsoft Office 365 Email has defense for security built-in. This defense includes anti-spam filtering that guards your email from mail threats as well as anti-malware protection guarding your email from mail threats.
  • Microsoft Office 365 offers email only plans for business-class email service.

If you haven't yet began to use Microsoft Office 365 Email, perhaps the four reasons offered by Tech & Gadgets will convince you to give it a try.

Reasons Teachers Should Use Game Based Learning

Reasons Teachers Should Use Game Based Learning

I think teachers should use game based learning.  You might think you should use it too, but you just never had a clear reason as to why. Well, here are five clear reasons why you should use this technique.
  • First Reason: Getting the Students’ Attention – Every lesson plan should begin with an “Anticipatory Set” according to Dr. Madelyn Hunter’s research on teacher methodology. This “Anticipatory Set” is an important part of a lesson designed to “grab” the attention of the students. The idea of playing a game will certainly grab their attention because of their willingness to play.
  • Second Reason: Games Aren’t Boring – Since students usually do not find games to be boring, they will develop a positive attitude about learning and be encouraged to keep learning.
  • Third Reason: Checking for Understanding – Another important part of Hunter’s lesson plan is “Checking for Understanding”. Games designed where the students’ knowledge is the key to winning will illustrate to the students as well as the teacher their understanding of the lesson objectives.
  • Fourth Reason: Guided and Independent Practice – Two significant parts of Hunter’s lesson plan are guided practice and independent practice. Games provide guided practice by giving students immediate reinforcement for correct answers or immediate corrections to errors. In addition, independent practice is provided by games by allowing the students to reinforce as well as consolidate their knowledge while being rewarded for their achievements.
  • Fifth Reason: Learn Through Trial and Error – A safe environment is also provided by games that allows students to learn through mistakes by using trial and error.
According to Ed Tech Magazine, "New Games Could Help Students Become Better Learners".

Cloud Computing

I'm sure you've read a lot about cloud computing on blogs and social media, but have you read about these things?
  • First thing: Surprise! If you’re using Facebook or email, you are in the cloud! Therefore, there is no need for you to worry about placing your business in the cloud. Any concern of your business being in the cloud is a bit unfounded.
  • Second thing: Unlike the first thing, the second thing is that cloud computing is a worthwhile investment. This is because one third of companies that currently use the cloud have cut their IT spending by 25% and 13% of companies using the cloud have reduced their tech spending by at least 50%.
  • Third thing: Cloud computing has grown to be three times as large as it was in 2008 and is currently a $150 billion market.
  • Fourth thing: 75% of the companies surveyed using the cloud report they have seen improvements in the availability of their network.
  • Fifth thing: The global industry of cloud computing has grown to be five times larger than all IT.
  • Sixth thing: 94% of companies using the cloud found an improvement in IT security when they switched to the cloud.
  • Seventh thing: The last item is that IT services can be delivered with greater flexibility with cloud computing. Cloud computing services allows companies to ramp up their capacity quickly during their boom times when needed and lower their capacity during slow times. This is an advantage over legacy hosting services that have locked businesses into contracts for months and years.
For more information about blogs, check out this news: Five Ways Cloud Computing Has Created Positive Change in 2015.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Herbal Supplements to Boost Your Immune System


What defense does your body have against all those microorganisms out there just waiting to be the cause of disease?  “My immune system,” you might say.  Of course, that’s true, but sometimes it unexpectedly fails.  When this happens, a germ is successful in invading your body, and the result is that it makes you sick.  Well, what if you were able to strengthen your immune system and prevent this invasion?  Doesn’t this idea sound enticing?

The idea of boosting your immunity certainly does sound enticing, but is it possible to do?  Over the years, scientists have looked at the potential to in some way influence the immune system.  Changes in lifestyle such as getting enough sleep, reduction of stress and a diet including fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds seem to influence the immune system in a positive way.  In addition, another approach you might take is to try immune-supportive herbs. 

Oregano Oil

If you’re wondering whether the oregano oil herbal supplement is made from the spice that you use for cooking, yes, it certainly is.  Through a process of steam distillation, oregano oil is extracted from the oregano herb.  It is believed that the oil extracted from the Oreganum vulgare plant has many therapeutic benefits, according to Alive.  (

It is believe that oregano oil helps to fight and treat colds, flus, asthma, bronchitis, digestive upsets, headaches, muscular pain, rheumatism, warts and insect bites.  However, is there science behind these beliefs?

Phenol carvacrol and thymol occur naturally in plants of the Mediterranean.  These elements give the oregano its great antibacterial, antiviral, antiparasitic and antifungal capabilities.  Oil of oregano has been found to be effective as an antibacterial agent that is effective fighting staphylococcus, listeria, E. coli, and candida albicans.  

In 2001, Georgetown University Medical Center researchers tested low doses of oregano oil’s effect on staphylococcus bacteria.  They found that the oregano oil was just as effective at preventing the bacteria’s growth as the well-known streptomycin and penicillin antibiotics.  In addition, British researchers reported the results of a study on oil of oregano in the Journal of Applied Microbiology in February 2000.  In their study, they found that 25 different bacteria were effected by oregano oil.  Oil of oregano’s anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties were also proven by other studies.

Olive Leaf Extract

Everyone is familiar with the olive being a food item and olive oil use in our salads.  However, are you aware of the fact that the olive leaf has been used as a medicinal herb for centuries.  Back in ancient times, it was regarded as a cure-all.  An olive leaf infusion has actually stabilized blood sugar and controlled diabetes in Moroccan medicine and this was further confirmed in publications of studies done on the topic.

Since the early 1900s, a primary compound in the olive leaf known as oleuropein has been recognized in scientific studies as having many benefits for our health.  For instance, early studies of oleuropein found that it lowered blood pressure.  Milan studies found that oleuropein slowed down the oxidation of lipids in the blood, is a powerful antioxidant, and lowered cardiovascular disease risk as well.  Antioxidant compounds such as oleuropein that are gotten from plants have been known to produce health benefits.  The risk of many degenerative and chronic diseases is also  lessened by them.

Olive leaf extract is a type of iridoid by definition.  As an iridoid, it shows antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties and can also be used to fight various kinds of internal infections.  For people who are striving to lose weight, the olive leaf supplement seems to increase the production of thermogenin by the body.  Thermogenin is a substance that helps a person to burn fat more efficiently.

The olive leaf benefits to health include the following:
·        It is a source for anti-cancer compounds including lutolin, and oleuropein protects a person from breast cancer. 
·        Apigenin and cinchonine found in the olive leaf have also appeared to be anti-malarial agents.
·        It acts as an anti-inflammatory.
·        It protects a person from nerve damage.
·        It is also believed to be of value for victims of a stroke.

Today’s science considers the olive leaf and olive leaf extracts valuable in promoting better health and warding off many different health disorders.  

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Seven Easy Ways to Manage How to Dress for a Day in the Snow


There is little profit to be made in making things more complicated for yourself. With that in mind, we've come up with seven easy ways to manage how to dress for a day in the snow.
  • First: Dress for snow! If you’re going to be out in the snow for most of the day, dress for it.  You’re not going to a dance party.  For a fun day, you need to be dressed for the weather.  For starters, layers of clothing will keep you warm.  You can still look fabulous with clothing that includes a cute-but-heavy ski jacket and hoodie with faux fur trim on the hood to add a bit of elegance as well as warmth.  Add slightly puffy but fashionable ski pants and a smart beanie and you’ll certainly appear to be ready for the slopes.
  • Second: Dress in three layers.  However, to really be ready for the snow, you’ll need more than appearance.  For a day in the snow, dressing in layers allows you the flexibility to remove or add layers as needed to adjust to the weather conditions.  Basically, three main layers such as wicking, insulating and outer protection will do the trick.
  • Third: The wicking layer is the first layer next to your skin.  Long, thermal underwear is the usual garment for this layer.  The name of this layer, wicking, is based on its fibers having the ability to wick or move moisture as you perspire away from your skin allowing the perspiration to evaporate.  It may be cold, but you will sweat with snow sports such as snowshoeing or cross country skiing.  Fabric choices with wicking abilities for this layer could include polyester, a synthetic or even silk.
  • Fourth: Middle layer of clothing will keep heat in and the cold out.  With this layer, sweatshirts, sweaters, pullovers and vests are worn to trap air between the fibers.  Fleece and wool fabric’s abilities to insulate and spread moisture are great for this layer.
  • Fifth: The third, exterior layer is usually pants and a shell.  In guarding against winter elements, this layer must be capable to repel water from sleet, snow or rain and block wind as well.  It must also be able to let perspiration evaporate.  This layer is often: waterproof and breathable with fabrics that are woven tightly and covered with a coating or laminate in order to keep you dry and comfortable, insulated according to the activity you will be doing, and one piece suits which combine pants and a jacket that are especially suited to a lot of fresh snow and popular with alpine skiers.
  • Sixth: Goggles are recommended for windy days.  The bigger they are, the better.  They are especially useful on bright days in order to prevent snow blindness.
  • Seventh:  Accessories such as gloves, ski caps, socks, boots and gators can also be necessary.  Gators are tubes of felt worn on your neck and pulled up to cover your mouth when temperatures are cold.  Ski gloves are thicker than regular gloves and have rubber on the outside of the hands to help with gripping.  They are especially suited to preventing frostbite.